I scroll through Instagram and read blogs jealously (I mean, who doesn’t?), wishing I could afford to go on a last minute trip and jet across the world (or even just the country). Then, at the end of January, it happened! I found out that I was lucky enough to have a flight credit from a trip I hadn’t been able to take last year, and it needed to be used by April. Business has been slow at the restaurant lately and I haven’t been getting a ton of hours, so when my mom suggested that I take time off and come home to visit (I think she’d been missing me!), I jumped at the chance. Home for me is, and always will be, Calgary, Alberta. I was so excited to head back and visit, to see my friends and family, and to do all my favourite Alberta things.

Two Jack Lake, Alberta — February 2016

Truro is about 35-40 minutes from the Halifax airport (which is also about 30 minutes outside of Halifax…), and I had to board my flight at 4:55am. I ended up staying overnight at a Quality Inn a few minutes from the airport, to save myself (and my boyfriend, who dropped me off) from making the long drive from Truro in the middle of the night. I didn’t get to the hotel until nearly 11pm on Wednesday evening, because I had to work that night. The hotel receptionist let me know I had to be in the lobby to take the shuttle to the airport 30 minutes before I needed to be at the airport, because of how many people were flying out from the hotel that morning. So, if I’d left from Truro I would’ve gotten about the same amount of sleep anyways! However, it was nice not to have a long drive at 3:30am. I got to the airport and through security ridiculously early on Thursday morning (my dad would’ve been proud!).

Day One: After a brief layover in Toronto, I finally arrived HOME. My mom picked me up and we went and did some shopping and browsing at IKEA, Michael’s Costco and Atmosphere. I got some cute new Calvin Klein Underwear and a beautiful turquoise ski jacket. We picked up some yummy wraps from Badass Jack’s and then I spent the afternoon at home unpacking and tidying my room. I surprised my sister when she got home from school, and it was so nice to see her! I had dinner with my parents and was in bed by 8:30 – it was three hours later in Nova Scotia with the time difference, and I’d only gotten three hours of sleep in two days.

Day Two: Waking up at 6:00 am felt easy with the time difference, and my dad and I were out the door and on our way to the ski hill before 7 o’clock. The two ski resorts I’d recommend most highly in Alberta are Lake Louise and Sunshine Village. Lake Louise often has the best snow, and tons of amazing runs for all levels of skiers. Sunshine, however, is my personal favourite. I couldn’t tell you why exactly. Maybe the name makes me happy. Maybe it’s because I have a lot of good memories at Sunshine from when I was younger. Maybe it’s because one of the runs/chairlifts passes through British Columbia and I like being in two places at once. Whatever the reason, we headed out to Sunshine for the one Banff ski day I’d get this winter. There was a ton of fresh powder and the weather, although a little cool and cloudy in Calgary, was gorgeous and mostly sunny out in Banff! We had an awesome day skiing, with a lunch and hot apple cider break. It was nice to get out and do something active with my dad.

Sunshine Village, Banff, Alberta — January 2016
Sunshine Village, Banff, Alberta — January 2016
Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset
The new Teepee Town LX heated chairlift! (Sunshine Village, Banff, Alberta — January 2016)

After going home and having dinner, my friend Molly and I drove over to the Clayground to surprise my friend Emily, who didn’t know I was coming for a visit. Emily had surprised me at my birthday bash two years earlier, after telling me she couldn’t make it, so I decided to return the fun. Our friend Lauren helped orchestrate the surprise, and we had a fun night painting pottery and catching up. Clayground recently switched ownership, and the new girl was so fun and hilarious – check the place out if you’re into art or want to try a new activity.

Day Three: I spent the morning hanging out at home, organizing my bedroom and going through mail that had arrived for me. Mid-afternoon I met up with Emily for tea and then headed home for dinner with my aunt, uncle and two cousins. I had missed out on family time over Christmas, so it was nice to catch up with everyone. After my relatives left, I drove over to Molly’s apartment, and her and Emily and I went out to my all-time favourite bar/club, Ranchman’s. I was doing “Sober January”, so I drove for the night, but had just as much fun as anyone else, line dancing, buying Molly a birthday shot (she turned 23 at midnight), and enjoying good country music. Ranchman’s is one of the few bars/clubs I can stand while I’m sober! Ranchman’s is the epitome of a classic cowboy bar, and a true Calgarian experience – if you’re in the area I will personally take you there! (I look for any excuse to go…)

Day Four: On Sunday afternoon Hannah and I went for tea at Caffe Beano, and strolled along the trendy 17th Avenue in downtown Calgary. We also tried some Mac and Cheese poutine from the Big Cheese Poutinerie, which was absolute heaven. Two of my favourite foods combined? Yes please! I went home for movie night with my family, and some quiet time.

Shops and restaurants on 17th Ave (Calgary, Alberta — January 2016)

Day Five: I love when the first day of a new month falls on a Monday. It feels like an absolute clean slate. I especially love when that day is spent at a spa in the mountains with my mom, resting and rejuvenating. The Willow Stream Spa at the Banff Springs Hotel is one of my favourite places in the world, and it was so lovely to get a chance to visit while I was home in Alberta. Midday, we took a break from our relaxing and walked into the town of Banff. We tried out crepes and waffles from Skokis, and checked out the ice castle and giant snowman that are part of Banff/Lake Louise tourism’s SnowDays.

Spaaaaah (Banff, Alberta — February 2016)
The Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel // Castle in the Rockies (Banff, Alberta — February 2016)
View from the spa (Banff, Alberta — February 2016)
Willow Stream Spa (Banff, Alberta — February 2016)
Waffles and crepes from Skokis (Banff, Alberta — February 2016)
Hello, friends. (Two Jack Lake, Banff, Alberta — February 2016)

Upon arriving back in Calgary, I met up with Natalie at Good Earth Coffeehouse, where my sister works, and where Natalie and I have been holding catch up sessions for the better part of five years. Natalie is one of my favourite people to talk to, mainly because we gush embarrassingly over the same things (i.e. Zac Efron, aesthetic Tumblr blogs), and she taught me how to use VSCO to edit photos.

Day Six: My mom had ordered a custom coatrack for the cottage in Ontario, and we drove out to the man’s workshop to pick it up. He lived near Sundre, Alberta, so I brought along my camera for some prairie photos. He had a dog, horse and donkey on his property, and I immediately made friends. Mom and I also stopped in at Cochrane Coffee Traders for a drink and treat. In the early afternoon I did another Good Earth hangout with my friend Marleea. She’d just found out she was accepted into law school, so it was nice to see her to celebrate and chat about future plans. For dinner, my friend Jess and I went to Kinjo for sushi (the only sushi restaurant in my town in Nova Scotia closed down for good in December and I was missing it!). Jess is the one who took my blog photo, and she’s creating a Calgary-themed adult colouring book – and one of the pictures will be of my Jeep and boots! I’m really excited about her project.

A donkey named Sophie and her horse friend. (Sundre, Alberta — February 2016)
Sundre, Alberta — February 2016

Day Seven: I tried to fit as many last minute things as I could into this day. I started at the optometrist, and then headed to the mall to get some lunch and do some shopping with my friend Elizabeth. After that, my sister and I went for tea and she taught me some photography tips and tricks for my new camera (she’s a journalism student). My family decided to celebrate my birthday that evening, as it’s in March and I was back in Nova Scotia for it. We went to my favourite Italian restaurant, Chianti Cafe, and I had my old favourite, the classic fettuccine alfredo (it’s extra good at that place!). We went home and I opened a few presents (a fluffy hot pink bathroom, white wire “London” sign for my room and a gorgeous blue sweater). After that, I met up with Lauren for tea and one last catch up session before I left.

Day Eight: Reluctantly, I packed my bags and my mom drive me to the airport to fly back to Truro. I do prefer flying east than west, as the flights are shorter due to wind currents and such. Another stopover in Toronto, and then it was Hello, East Coast, for a couple more months…

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