Chances are, you’re going to move at least once in your lifetime. Whether it be a parent’s move while you’re still living at home, a move across the country for university, a move for a new job, or simply for a change of pace, moving is usually a fact of life at some point or other. Moving can be fun, exciting and a great opportunity – and it can also be scary, intimidating, anxiety-causing and stressful.

I’ve moved a few times in my life – from Calgary to Anchorage, Alaska and back, and to houses within Calgary. Plus, just in the past year and a half I moved to my aunt’s cottage in Ontario for four months, and then to Nova Scotia and back to Calgary – twice. I also lived in a tent in Prince George, British Columbia for 2 months this summer! Here are my tried-and-true tips and tricks.

  • Keep something with you that reminds you of home. It could be a photo, note from a loved one, or a small trinket.
  • Make new friends as soon as you can, and keep in touch with old ones.
  • Find a new park, restaurant or cafe that you love, and visit often – make it a routine.
  • Start a routine in general – this will help you feel settled in and at home more quickly.
  • Unpack as soon as you can, so you’ll feel comfortable in your new home and be surrounded by familiar things.
  • Get involved in work and activities.
  • Know that it’s okay to miss home, and you can go home and visit…
  • …or have someone come visit you and play tour guide!

*inspired by a comment one of my readers left on this post.


How to Survive a Big City

How to Survive a Small Town

7 Replies to “How to Survive a Move to Somewhere New”

  1. Love this post! I agree with all of your tips. I moved across the world (US to Australia) and one of the biggest things that helped me adjust was forcing myself to join different activities/groups. was a huge lifesaver!

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