Like 90% of the population, I love summer. It’s the time I feel the most free and happy and adventurous. There is something beautiful about each season and fun to be had in every kind of weather, especially living in Canada, and if I had to pick one I’d say spring is my favourite season. However I depend on my summers to be a time of renewal and rejuvenation. It’s when I’m able to do things that make me the happiest and travel more. Plus, who doesn’t automatically feel recharged by the summer sunshine?! I spend most of March and April every year excited and planning for the season ahead, and to me, the summer starts in May – which is when university classes are finished and my friends are free, and when the weather is starting to get really nice. I also usually try to stretch my summers into October, which typically works pretty well for me, as I don’t go to school and I find the off-season better for traveling.

Dyer’s Bay, Ontario — August 2012

Summer 2015 planning went a little differently for me, as I had another person’s plans to worry about instead of just my own! I’m from Calgary and my boyfriend is from a small town in Ontario, and we’re currently both living on the far east coast of Canada where he goes to school. Because our lives are scattered so far across the country, and we want to be doing something together (we also both really want to work outdoors, and he needs to make a lot of money for school next year), it was difficult to figure out jobs and a living situation that suits both of us, as well as where to live for the summer. The following is what I’ve come up with. At the moment it’s pretty flexible and still not set in stone, but I hope to cross these items off my “Summer Bucketlist” (I make one every year!), make some money, get outdoors, do some exploring, and have an amazing time.


Last summer, my boyfriend worked as a tree planter in British Columbia for 6 weeks (which is one tree planting “season”). We’re planning to go and do that this summer for two seasons (May – July, with a 1-2 week break in between seasons). The area is in Northern BC. I know it won’t be easy, or always fun, but I’m actually really looking forward to being outside all the time, living in a tent, and being surrounded by nature, as well as getting in really good shape physically. If you’re really fast and good at planting, you can make tons and tons of money, so here’s hoping I pick it up quickly!

in the trees (Truro, Nova Scotia — November 2014)

Before tree planting starts, my parents want us to paint their fence and deck, so that’ll be good for some extra spending money. As well, for two weeks in August one of my petsitting clients needs a live in house-sitter for their dog and cats for two weeks, which will be great because not only will I earn more money, I’ll have my own private place to live while I’m back in Calgary for awhile.


The boyfriend and I will be driving his car (which is the only car we have out in Truro currently) back to where he lives in Ontario. We’ve done this drive 2 or 3 times, and typically we go through Canada (Nova Scotia > New Brunswick > Quebec > Ontario), however this time we’re going to go down through the States to Ontario. We’ll pass through Maine, Vermont and/or New Hampshire, Massachusetts and New York state. I’ve been through New York before, but otherwise that’ll be 3 or 4 new states to check off my list! We may also make a bit of a detour and spend some time in Boston, which would be really cool! We’ll spend a few days in Tobermory, Ontario, where he lives and where my aunt’s cottage is, and then fly out to Calgary, my hometown. With whatever time is left before tree planting starts, we’ll explore Calgary and the surrounding area (Banff, Kananaskis, Canmore, Bragg Creek…), hopefully do some hiking and outdoorsy things, and visit some cute and trendy new shops, cafes and restaurants I haven’t been to yet!

Lake Louise.
Lake Louise // photo credit:

Then we’ll head out tree planting, and either go back to Calgary or adventure around British Columbia during the break. After planting I’m thinking about booking one of the Free Spirit Spheres on Vancouver Island to stay for a night, to celebrate making it through, and doing a little more touring, hiking and camping around BC. After that, we’ll go back to Calgary for my pet sitting job and explore the area some more, spend time with my friends and family, and make the most of living in a big city which also happens to be near an amazing national park (Banff) and other great outdoor spots and activities!

Free Spirit Spheres go into production
One of three Free Spirit Spheres guests can stay in //photo credit:

Mid-August we’ll load up my Jeep and drive it back to Ontario, spend some time at his house and my cottage out there, and then drive back to Nova Scotia for the school year. I’m so excited to have my car out here next fall, I’ve missed it like crazy this year! The boyfriend has been talking about going to Iceland at the very end of August, but we’ll see if time and money permit – it’s a bit of a longshot, but one can dream!


>> Try stand up paddleboarding 

coreban sup boston north shore
stand up paddleboarding // photo credit:

>> Camp on Flowerpot Island, Tobermory, Ontario

>> Do the high ropes course in Tobermory, Ontario

photo credit:

>> Visit St. Edmunds Museum in Tobermory, Ontario

>> Take photos at the abandoned gas station near Wiarton, Ontario

>> Go to Sauble Falls, Ontario

Sauble Falls // photo credit: Reviewer1414 on

>> Owen Sound Marine-Rail Museum, Ontario

>> Take pictures at York Redoubt, an abandoned military fort near Halifax, Nova Scotia

>> See the lighthouse in Pugwash, Nova Scotia

photo credit: Dennis Jarvis from (username: DGJ_3995)

>> Go to the Tangled Garden in the Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia

>> See in the Tidal Bore in Nova Scotia

>> Drive/hike/camp the Cabot Head Trail on Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia

The Cabot Trail // photo credit:

>> Visit the historical Fort Louisbourg, Nova Scotia

>> Buy a glass ball terrarium to hang in the Jeep

how awesome would one of these look hanging from the roll bar in the Jeep?! // photo credit:

>> Stay in a Free Spirit Sphere on Vancouver Island, BC

>> Go to Mystic Beach, Vancouver Island, BC

rope swing on Mystic Beach // photo credit: Karsten Klawitter from (username: karstosis)

>> Sea to Sky Gondola in Squamish, BC

>> Capilano Suspension Bridge Park, BC

Capilano Suspension Bridge // photo credit:

>> Go hiking in Banff, Kananaskis, Canmore, Bragg Creek and the area (Lake Louise, Grassi Lakes, Lake Minnewanka…)

>> Slide the City – event in Calgary in August

'Slide The City' invades downtown SLC
slide the city // photo credit:

>> Go to Jasper, Drumheller and Nanton, Alberta and explore these small towns

>> Test breweries and indie bars in Alberta

>> Calgary Corn Maze

walking the maze (Calgary, Alberta — September 2013)

>> Visit new restaurants, shops and cafes that have popped up in trendy Calgary neighbourhoods

>> Go to the zoo, Glenbow Museum and science centre in Calgary

+ lots more!

What about you, is summer your favourite season? And what are your plans for Summer 2015?!

I’m excited to get back to cottage life! (Miller Lake, Ontario — July 2014)

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