This past summer, I moved from where I lived at the time in Calgary, Alberta to a cottage that was about 3 hours from Toronto, Ontario. I drove there in my Jeep, going down through the States. My original plan was to cross the border at the Saskatchewan/North Dakota point, but I took a wrong turn somewhere and ended up in Montana instead. It turned out to be the luckiest mistake of my life. I hadn’t planned on going through Montana at all on my road trip, but I was so glad I did. It was absolutely gorgeous. I stayed overnight in Glendive, Montana before continuing on to the Dakotas. While in Glendive, I found the most wonderful state park called Makoshika. I was there walking (after a lovely 8 hour day of driving) during sunset, and it provided for some beautiful photos. The badlands in the area reminded me little bit of Drumheller, Alberta, but I’d truly never seen anything like it. You’re able to camp at Makoshika as well — I didn’t have camping gear with me at the time, but I plan to go back in the future and spend a few nights there! If you ever find yourself in Montana, a stop at this park is well worth it. IMG_2735 IMG_2584 IMG_2586 IMG_2625 IMG_2636 IMG_2640 IMG_2648 IMG_2649 IMG_2655 IMG_2658 IMG_2667 IMG_2672 IMG_2678 IMG_2699 IMG_2724 IMG_2725 IMG_2726 IMG_2680

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