The Dominican Republic will forever hold a special spot in my heart as the place I finally got to swim with dolphins, and fall even further in love with them. Through my grandparents’ timeshare program, my family got a very good deal on a trip to an all-inclusive resort in the DR. Surprisingly, I’ve never been to one of the hugest tourist resort destinations – Mexico – and had never stayed at an all-inclusive before this. It was a great experience, and one I’d definitely repeat, but not too often. It was fun being able to order food and drinks at the multiple restaurants and bars across the resort and simply get up and leave without paying. However, we were there for a week and life did get a bit monotonous. I understand the appeal of all-inclusive, but I’m less of a sit on the beach/at the pool person, and more of a get up/go have adventures/explore the area traveler. Luckily, my parents are very into learning about new cultures, so they took my sister and I out into the town, Puerto Plata, and up a mountain to explore and learn. I’ve divided these photos up into categories based on where we were and what were doing.

The Resort (Lifestyle Holidays Vacation Club

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The Mountain

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The Town (Puerto Plata)

learning to roll a cigar

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Ocean World


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Swimming with Dolphins (at Ocean World)

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