Going to Moraine Lake (and nearby Lake Louise, for that matter) is always a gamble. These areas in Banff National Park are so popular that it’s often difficult to get a parking spot during the summer months, and sometimes even throughout the shoulder season as well. Moraine Lake is particularly tricky as the parking lot is so small, and Parks Canada often closes the road up to the lake altogether.


I was able to get in to Moraine Lake once before back in the fall of 2017 (you can read more about that rainy visit here), and last fall Holden and I decided we wanted to do the Larch Valley hike that begins at Moraine Lake to see the beautiful golden trees. As it was nearing Thanksgiving weekend, which is typically when the road to Moraine closes until the following spring, we figured trying to go in early October gave us as good a chance as any to get a parking spot and complete the hike.


We left Calgary reasonably early, although not at the pre-sunrise time we’d have to depart at in the warmer months in order to secure a spot, around 7am. We drove up the (open!) road to the lake and snagged a parking spot with no problem, although the lot was already starting to fill up. Score!


After a few false starts, we were headed for the larches (the trailhead did not seem to be clearly marked, however it was actually very easy to start the hike right from the parking lot after we stopped second guessing ourselves). The day wasn’t overly chilly, and the hike had me stripping off layers, but we did catch a little bit of freezing rain/snow at the top of the hike and back down by the lake afterwards.

(Note: the Larch Valley hike can end once you reach the valley, or you continue on up the mountains for the full Sentinel Pass trail, or even further from there. We chose to do the shorter hike that day, partly due to time constraints, and partly due to the fact that I couldn’t find my hiking boots and my Timberlands made for a very poor – and painful – alternative.)



We enjoyed a lovely day in the mountains, with the hike taking less than 3 hours round trip and being medium-hard (the terrain was easy, the elevation gain was less-easy), and we captured the lovely images you’ll see below. After the hike, we wandered around by the lake for awhile and got a few more pictures – might as well take advantage, since we were lucky enough to get a spot in the parking lot, right?!



On our way back through Banff we made a coffee pitstop at the Whitebark Cafe, and we were back in the city in time for dinner. Altogether, a very successful day (it’s always disappointing to drive the extra 45 minutes from the Banff townsite up to where Moraine Lake and Lake Louise are, only to find that the parking lots are full and to have to turn back the way you came).


Enjoy the photos we took of the gorgeous golden larch trees! This already has me antsy for next fall and more larch hikes (but don’t get me wrong, I want to soak up allll the summer vibes + sunshine first).

Any photos of me are credited to Holden, except the one of the two of us together, which a very kind stranger took.

















Also, a huge shoutout to Camp Brand Goods for making the world’s comfiest and most versatile sweatshirts. I live in this hand-me-down from my sister while running errands in the city or lounging around on the weekends, and it also kept me cozy + warm on this cool fall day in the mountains. (This is in no way sponsored – although I wish! – I just really love this local Calgary brand.)

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