I arrived in Nova Scotia on a Friday, and got to Truro the next day. On Monday after that weekend, my boyfriend took me on a walk around the Dalhousie Agricultural Campus, and one of the things I saw on the tour were these…

(Truro, Nova Scotia — April 2014)

Unless you’ve been to Berlin, or are a huge history buff, you’d have no idea that these are pieces of the Berlin Wall – and what they’re doing in little Truro, 5452 kilometres from their original site, I do not know.

At the time, I wasn’t aware of what these giant cement slabs were, until the following weekend, when I was researching things to do in Truro on TripAdvisor. I was kind of excited to realize what they were, and that I’d gotten to see them – despite having never been to that particular city in Germany! There are 140 different locations in the world that have sections of the Berlin Wall. Nova Scotia has two of these memorials, the one in Bible/Truro and another in Lunenberg, which is about a 2 hour drive from Truro.

I went back a few weeks ago to take pictures and see the panels again, now I know what they are. You can park at the Dalhousie AC and walk a short distance to see the Berlin Wall pieces. It’s a little hard to find them as they’re near/behind one of the barns on the campus. They’re by the Haley Institute, along a pathway that makes up part of the Cobequid Trail. It’s a pretty walk, especially during non-winter months! In the distance, you can see the waterpower I took pictures of on a sunny January afternoon.

The main complaints I’ve heard about this site is that people don’t know where the panels are and/or how to get to them, people have seen them but didn’t know what they were, and that everyone just plain doesn’t understand why we have these sections of the Wall. Apparently these cement slabs used to be on Prince Street in Truro, but were moved in late 2011. The old location seems like it would’ve been a better spot, as it was easier to find. Nonetheless, it’s still a cool thing to say you’ve seen, especially if you’ve never been to Germany. If you can find where they are, I’d definitely suggest checking them out!

Location: behind 62 Cumming Drive, Haley Institure, Bible Hill, Nova Scotia, Canada

TripAdvisor reviews of the Berlin Wall sections

panels of the Berlin Wall at the Dalhousie Agricultural College (Truro, Nova Scotia — April 2015)
panels of the Berlin Wall at the Dalhousie Agricultural College (Truro, Nova Scotia — April 2015)
panels of the Berlin Wall at the Dalhousie Agricultural College (Truro, Nova Scotia — April 2015)
panels of the Berlin Wall at the Dalhousie Agricultural College (Truro, Nova Scotia — April 2015)
me, with panels of the Berlin Wall at the Dalhousie Agricultural College (Truro, Nova Scotia — April 2015)
panels of the Berlin Wall at the Dalhousie Agricultural College (Truro, Nova Scotia — April 2015)
panels of the Berlin Wall at the Dalhousie Agricultural College (Truro, Nova Scotia — April 2015)
panels of the Berlin Wall at the Dalhousie Agricultural College (Truro, Nova Scotia — April 2015)
panels of the Berlin Wall at the Dalhousie Agricultural College (Truro, Nova Scotia — April 2015)
panels of the Berlin Wall at the Dalhousie Agricultural College (Truro, Nova Scotia — April 2015)
panels of the Berlin Wall at the Dalhousie Agricultural College (Truro, Nova Scotia — April 2015)
a birdhouse at the Dalhousie Agricultural College (Truro, Nova Scotia — April 2015)
me, with panels of the Berlin Wall at the Dalhousie Agricultural College (Truro, Nova Scotia — April 2015)

(It was the first sunny and warm spring day we had, so despite the snow I wore the dress I got for my birthday in March, and got my boyfriend to snap a couple photos of me. Don’t judge!)

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