Sometime last summer over beers, Holden and I got reminiscing about summers spent at different family members’ cabins, cottages and vacation homes, as well as various camping trips. I mentioned a trip to Gull Lake with my cousins’ family that we took when I was about 10 years old, camping at Aspen Beach Provincial Park, and then Holden shared that his aunt has a cabin at Gull Lake. He spontaneously texted her to see if we could go out there to stay for a weekend. His aunt and uncle, being the social people they are, had most of their cabin weekends filled, right up until preparations began for Holden’s cousin’s wedding (also being held at the cabin). Eventually we worked out that it would be best for us to come over the Sunday/Monday of the August long weekend.

And so, in August 2019, the day after I’d quit my job at the time, we set out for Gull Lake to begin my brief period of FUNemployment.

Gull Lake is about a 2 hour and 15 minute drive from Calgary, near the town of Lacombe, Alberta. We left my house in the early afternoon, arriving at the cabin shortly after 3 o’clock. It was rustic, kitschy and absolutely perfect – exactly what you’d picture when you hear the word ‘cabin’. What’s bittersweet this year is that they’ve had to tear the place down and rebuild it, making some major updates + upgrades in the process – I’m sure the new version will be just as perfect, but in a different way. I’m glad I got to visit before the old one was torn down!

We wandered across a tiny bridge and down a path to the beach, where most of Holden’s family was spending their afternoon. I met everyone (and got the classic “You’ll be quizzed on all of our names later!”) and we hung out for awhile, walking along the beach and venturing into the lake, sitting on a blanket, enjoying the sunshine.

We all made our way over to the cabin for ‘cocktail hour’, having drinks and snacks (Holden’s spinach dip was a hit) and visiting with some of the neighbours. Holden and I snuck off (and by ‘snuck off’ I mean ‘told everyone exactly where we were going and then left’) for awhile to explore a nearby boardwalk and wetlands, which was so gorgeous. Classic Alberta scenery!

Back at the cabin, we gathered at a long table outside for dinner (it was so nice to finally sit with adults instead of being at the “kid’s table” for a family gathering!), and visited (and drank) some more. I felt good about my contribution of a watermelon salad – it’s my go-to for potlucks + parties!

After dinner, a bonfire was lit and everyone (friends, family, neighbours… can you tell these were pre-COVID times?) pulled up a chair and settled in for an evening of s’mores, drinks, singing, and laughter.

Holden and I were assigned to a smaller cabin to sleep in, with some friends of his cousin’s and their kids (I think that’s who they were – to be honest, I’m still not 100% sure of everyone I met that day. I would’ve failed that name quiz for sure…). In the morning, we accidentally slept in until almost 11 – I never do that! No big deal though, breakfast was still available. This was an upgraded version of the “Pizza Squeezes” that Holden and I often make on his pie irons when we go camping. There was bread, eggs, bacon, and bowls upon bowls of ‘fancy’ toppings – mushrooms, peppers, shredded cheese, you name it. It was quite the deluxe make-your-own-sandwich station. We chose our toppings and went over to the fire pit to grill them to perfection.

After helping clean up from breakfast, we packed the car up and were on our way shortly after 12:30. In classic Elle and Holden road trip fashion, we made a few stops before going home…

First, we went to play some mini golf at Summerland Leisure Park (Holden had fond memories of doing this when he was younger), about 10 minutes from the cabin.

Next, we visited Kraay Family Farm & Lacombe Corn Maze, another 10 minutes down the road. Here, we got to pet some goats, lose ourselves amongst the corn, and play on some of the many mini attractions located on the farm.

Our final stop before heading home was at the Donut Mill in Red Deer for some gigantic, sprinkle-covered donuts.

For a short trip, we sure did a lot! It was nice to meet more of Holden’s family, spend some time at the lake, and have a little weekend getaway. Here’s hoping we’re invited back once the cabin is rebuilt… 😉

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