I know you can go to Las Vegas at any age, but I patiently waited until my 21st birthday. My friend’s family has a condo just off the Strip, and has been going there since we were 16, and my dad had gone once or twice with his sister, but I was holding out. I turned 21 in March 2014, and a month later boarded the plane for Sin City. I was in Vegas for 4 days, and I found that the be a perfect amount of time to see everything I wanted to see, do some shopping, catch a couple shows and have some drinks, without getting overwhelmed. I’ll admit, I was ready to go home by the fourth day. The Las Vegas Strip is a sensory overload and while I was ready to go back about two weeks after I got home because I loved it so much, I find it’s best in small doses. One of my friends is getting married in August and we’d talked about going to Vegas for a girls trip in the summer before her wedding, however due to my current summer plans (not to mention money circumstances!), I don’t think it’s a possibility anymore. But I’ll be back for you soon, Las Vegas…

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