While I wouldn’t call walking on paved pathways and packed down dirt trails a “hike”, I’m trying to get back into this whole “blogging” thing, so bear with me. I promise come summertime I’ll have some reeeeeal hikes to post about!

My boyfriend and I moved into a townhouse in December that just so happens to be the last unit of buildings on Elbow Drive before the Votiers Flats entrance to Fish Creek Provincial Park here in Calgary.

We’ve made great use of this feature with our puppy, and my day off of work yesterday was no exception. The sun was shining, the snow was melting and the dog was whining at the window to get outside. She and I meandered through Fish Creek Park for nearly an hour, going a little further than we’ve walked before and exploring some new spots.

The following are some quick lil iPhone shots I snapped on our stroll!






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