I love road trips, and I love trucks. Especially interesting, old, sometimes-falling-apart trucks. So it’s always awesome to find cool vehicles on my travels…

Drumheller, Alberta, Canada — This well-preserved red truck drove up at the perfect time to add even more of an old-timey feel to this small town main street.
Glendive, Montana, USA — I love the orange colour of the cab on this one, and it was neat that it was just parked on someone’s lawn. If you look closely behind it, that other truck looks similar to the old Dodge I found at Miller Lake (see below).
Mitchell, South Dakota, USA — Personally, I’d never drive a neon coloured vehicle, but I love to see them out and about! So much fun.
Guelph, Ontario, Canada — This gorgeous turquoise truck just happened to be sitting all by itself in the parking lot, making for a perfect picture. I adore this colour, I wish my Jeep was that shade!
Miller Lake, Ontario, Canada — This is one of my all-time favourite photographs, I even have a print of it on my bedroom wall. Our off-roading path at my aunt’s cabin winds through a farmer’s field, and on the property is this wonderful old truck.
Chicago, Illinois, USA — Bonus: Technically not a truck, but still a really cool looking old car!

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